Books and Chapters
Daccord, T. & Reich J. (2014). iPads in the classroom: From consumption to curation and creation. EdTechTeacher Press: Boston, MA. (Kindle iBooks)
Reich, J., & Daccord, T. (2008). Best ideas for teaching with technology: A practical guide for teachers, by teachers. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe. Amazon Page. ReichBookChapter 2. ReichBookChapter7.
Reich, J., Romer, A., Barr, D. (2014). Dialogue across difference: Addressing re-segregation through online community: The Facing History and Ourselves Digital Media and Innovation project. In Middaugh, E. & Kirshner B. (Eds.), #youthaction: Becoming Political in a Digital Age, Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age. Amazon page. Chapter Proofs.
Valdez, D., Reich J., & Berson, M. (2010). Social Studies in 2035. In Berson, M. & Diez, R. (Eds.), Technology in Retrospect, Charlotte, NC: Information Age. Amazon Page. Chapter Proofs
Daccord, T., & Reich, J. (2007). Technology, Best of History Web Sites, and Curriculum Integration. In Daccord, T. (Ed.) Best of history Web sites. New York: Neal Schuman. Amazon Page.
Articles for Researchers
Justin Reich on Google Scholar
Yeomans, M. & Reich, J. (2017) Planning prompts increase and forecast course completion in Massive Open Online Courses. Proceedings of the 2017 Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference. Link.
Kizilcec, R., Saltarelli, A., Reich, J., & Cohen, G. (2017) Closing the Global Achievement Gap in MOOCs, Science. 355(6322), 251-252. Link
Reich, J. (2016) Engineering the Science of Learning. The Bridge, National Academy of Engineering. 46(3), 29-38. Link.
Veletsianos, G., Pasquini, L., & Reich, J. (2016) The Life Between Big Data Log Events: Learners’ Strategies to Overcome Challenges in MOOCs. AERA Open. 2(3), DOI: 10.1177/2332858416657002. Link.
Reich, J., Stewart, B., Mavon, K., Tingley, D. (2016) The Civic Mission of MOOCs: Measuring Engagement across Political Differences in Forums. Proceedings of the 2016 Learning@Scale Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. Link.
Hansen, J.D.* & Reich, J. (2015). Democratizing education?: Examining access and usage patterns in massive open online courses. Science. Link.
Miyamoto, Y.R.*, Coleman, C., Williams, J.J., Whitehill, J., Nesterko, S., Reich, J. (2015). When more activity isn’t better: Benefits of spaced study in MOOCs. Journal of Learning Analytics. Link.
Whitehill, J., Williams, J.J., Lopez, G., Coleman, C., Reich, J. (2015). Beyond prediction: First steps towards automatic intervention in MOOC student stopout. Proceedings of the 2015 Educational Data Mining Conference, 171-179 [Best Paper Nominee]. Link.
Hansen, J.* & Reich, J. (2015). Demographics in MOOCs: Exploiting public datasets for estimates and comparisons. Proceedings of the Fifth Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2015 Conference. Link.
Lamb, A.* Smilack, J., Ho, A.D., & Reich, J. (2015). Addressing common challenges in randomized experiments in MOOCs: A case study of encouraging discussion in JusticeX. Proceedings of the Second ACM Conference on Learning@Scale. Link.
Mullaney, T.* & Reich, J. (2015). Staggered versus all-at-once content release in Massive Open Online Courses: Evaluating a natural experiment. Proceedings of the Second ACM Conference on Learning@Scale. Link.
Reich, J., Tingley, D., Leder-Luis, J., Roberts, M.E., Stewart, B.E. (2015). Computer-assisted reading and discovery for student-generated text in massive open online courses. Journal of Learning Analytics. Link.
Reich, J. (2015). Rebooting MOOC research. Science. 347(6217), 30-31. PDF. Paywall.
Reich, J. (2014). MOOC completion and retention in the context of student intent. Educause Review Online. Retrieved from
Daries, J., Reich, J., Waldo, J., Young, E., Whittinghill, J., Seaton, D.T., Ho, A.D., Chuang, I. (2014) Privacy, anonymity, and big data in the social sciences. ACM Queue. Link
Reich, J. & Stevens, M. (2014, July 11). Hard questions about big data. Inside Higher Ed. Link
Nesterko, S., Seaton, D.T., Reich, J., McIntyre, J., Han, Q., Chuang, I., Ho, A. (2014) Due dates in MOOCs: Does stricter mean better? Proceedings of the First ACM Conference on Learning@Scale, 193-194. Link(paywall)
Seaton, D. T., Nesterko S., Mullaney T., Reich J., & Ho A. (2014). Characterizing video use in the catalogue of MITx MOOCs. eLearning Papers, 37(4), 33-41. Article
Davis, K., Reich, J., James, C. (2014). The changing landscape of peer aggression: A literature review on cyberbullying and interventions. Journal of Youth Development, 9(1), 129-142. Article
Reich, J., Murnane, R.J., & Willett, J.B. (2012). The state of wiki usage in U.S., K-12 schools: Leveraging Web 2.0 data warehouses to assess quality and equity in online learning environments. Educational Researcher. Article
Reich, J., Levinson, M., & Johnston, W. (2011). Using online social networks to foster preservice teachers’ membership in a networked community of praxis. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education: Social Studies. Article
Reich, J. (2008). Reworking the Web, reworking the world: How Web 2.0 is changing our society. In FutureLab Challenge Project No. 2, Haste, H. (Ed.).Article
Reich, J. (2001). Re-creating the wilderness: Shaping narratives and landscapes in Shenandoah National Park. Environmental History, 6(2), 95-112. JSTOR page (paywall) (PDF #pdftribute).
Articles for Educators
Reich, J. (2015). Can text messages and interventions nudge students through school. Mindshift. Link.
Daccord, T. & Reich, J. (2015). How to transform teaching—with tablets. Educational Leadership, 72(8), 19-23. Link.
Reich J. (2015, February 13) Techniques for unleashing students work from learning management systems. Mindshift. Link.
Reich, J. & Holland, B. (2013, August 27) How tablets can enable meaningful connections for students and teachers.MindShift. Link
Reich, J. & Holland, B. (2013, July 22) The iPad as a tool for Creation to strengthen learning. MindShift. Link
Reich, J. & Holland, B. (2013, June 11) To get the most out of tablets, use smart curation. MindShift. Link
Reich, J. (2013, May 8). The future of tablets in education: Potential vs. reality of consuming media. MindShift.Link
Reich, J. and Callahan, D. (2012, September/October). Tired of PD? Try an Edcamp. Harvard Education Letter. Link
Reich, J. (2010). Making the case for teaching with new media,” Common Sense Media. Article
Reich, J., & Daccord, T. (2009). Empowering students as editors using hidden features in Microsoft Word.” OnCUE, the journal of the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators. Article
Reich, J., & and Daccord, T. (2009). Empowering teacher leaders: A cohort model of education technology professional development. OnCUE, the journal of the Massachusetts Computer Using Educators. Article
Reich, J., & Daccord T. (2009). Designing student centered learning projects with Shneiderman’s Collect-Relate-Create-Donate framework: The day in the life of a teenage hobo project. Social Education, 73(3), 140-146. Article
Reich, J. (2007). Conflict and identity: Using contemporary essential questions to guide our study of the past. World History Connected, 4(2). Article
Opinion Writing
Reich, J. (2014, July 8). Will computers ever replace teachers? New Yorker: Elements. Link
Reich, J. and Ho, A. (2014, January 23). The tricky task of figuring out what makes a MOOC successful. The Atlantic. Link
Reich, J. (2012). Online spaces for civic education: Connecting diverse students online. Educational Leadership70(6). Link.
Reich, J. (2012, May 22). Let’s use technology to support ‘Creative Agency’ classrooms. Education Week. Op-Ed
Reich, J. (2011, November 14). Thoughts on Digital Equity. Headlines: Harvard Graduate School of Education. Op-Ed
Reich, J. (2009, July 11). In schools, a firewall that works too well. Washington Post. Op-Ed
Reich, J. (2008, May 13). Turn teen texting toward better writing. Christian Science Monitor. Op-Ed
Reich, J. (2008, May 2). Fertile Time for the Written Word. Letter to the editor. Boston Globe. Letter
Reich, J. (2007, September 14). Memo to college students: Shut laptops, open your minds. Worcester Telegram and Gazette. Op-Ed
Reich, J. (2007, May 15) Laptops in the classroom: Mend it, don’t end it. Christian Science Monitor. Op-Ed
Reich, J. (2007, January 24) On the perils of striving for elite colleges. Providence Journal. Op-Ed